Is shelve in Python thread safe?
NickName:Tianyang Li Ask DateTime:2011-03-04T10:52:25

Is shelve in Python thread safe?

Is shelve in Python used for data persistence thread safe? If not, what's a good alternative?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Tianyang Li」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Mahmoud Abdelkader 2011-03-04T08:29:42

From the standard library documentation about the Shelve module, under the heading Restrictions:\n\n\n The shelve module does not support\n concurrent read/write access to\n shelved objects. (Multiple\n simultaneous read accesses are safe.)\n\n\nI would assume that it's probably implementation dependent and in which case, in order to be sure, I would conclude that it certainly is not thread safe.",

Andreas Jung 2011-03-04T03:04:58

Alternatives: ZODB\n\n",

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