Compare two SQL tables and return missing ids?
NickName:MilMike Ask DateTime:2011-11-03T23:59:09

Compare two SQL tables and return missing ids?

I have two simple tables: (here only the "id" column)





the sql query should compare the two tables for missing "id" in table2 and return: 1,3

any ideas? :) TY

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「MilMike」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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James Hill 2011-11-03T16:00:20

There are several ways to skin this cat:\n\nSELECT table1.ID\nFROM table1\nWHERE table1.ID NOT IN(SELECT table2.ID FROM table2)\n\n\nOr you could use a left outer join:\n\nSELECT table1.ID\nFROM table1\nLEFT OUTER JOIN table2 ON table1.ID = table2.ID\nWHERE table2.ID IS NULL\n",

D'Arcy Rittich 2011-11-03T16:00:30

select t1.*\nfrom table1 t1\nleft outer join table2 t2 on =\nwhere is null\n",

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