DataGrid Width has no affect in Windows Mobile. C#
NickName:Zzub Ask DateTime:2009-02-18T02:05:55

DataGrid Width has no affect in Windows Mobile. C#

I a beginner in Windows Mobile development and found that when I set the Width using a DataGridTextBoxColumn it does not affect the DataGrid column size. Here is my code:

        DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
        tableStyle.MappingName = "MainStyle";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn tbcName = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        tbcName.Width = 120;
        tbcName.MappingName = "Name";
        tbcName.HeaderText = "Name";

        DataGridTextBoxColumn tbcValue = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
        tbcValue.Width = 200;
        tbcValue.MappingName = "Value";
        tbcValue.HeaderText = "Value";

        // dgUserAttributes is defined as a System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid

Any ideas?

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