Oracle - difference or changes between two rows from two tables
NickName:rs. Ask DateTime:2009-10-20T05:23:30

Oracle - difference or changes between two rows from two tables

I have two tables both have same schema, one will have previous day records other will have current. I want to compare both and find only changes or only rows that have different value in atleast one column.

How is this possible in pl/sql, oracle? (I did code something similar using checksum in T-SQL but not sure how to do in pl/sql)

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Doug Porter 2009-10-19T22:09:53

This SO answer provides a very efficient solution using Oracle to compare the results of 2 queries: Proving SQL query equivalency",

LBushkin 2009-10-19T21:36:49

You want an exclusive-difference query, which is is essentially an (A-B) U (B-A) query:\n\n(SELECT * FROM TODAY_TABLE\nMINUS\nSELECT * FROM YESTERDAY_TABLE)\nUNION ALL\n(SELECT * FROM YESTERDAY_TABLE\nMINUS\nSELECT * FROM TODAY_TABLE)\n\n\nThis query can also be easily improved to also show which records are inserts, deletes, and changes using an additional calculated column.",

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