ASP.NET MVC URl Routing: How to deal with ?Action=Test parameter
NickName:Peterdk Ask DateTime:2010-01-24T01:16:24

ASP.NET MVC URl Routing: How to deal with ?Action=Test parameter

I am required to implement a simple webapp for a online competition for a simple game. I need to handle a Get request and respond to that.

I thought, let's just use a bare ASP.Net MVC app, and let it handle the URL.

Problem is, the URL I need to handle is :

I tried:

public ActionResult Index(string Action, string Foo)
        if (Action == "DoThis")
            return Content("Done");
            return Content(Action);

Problem is, the string Action always gets set as the action name of the route. I always get:

Action == "Index"

It looks like ASP.Net MVC overrides the Action parameter input, and uses the actual ASP.Net MVC Action.

Since I cannot change the format of the URL that I need to handle: is there a way to retrieve the parameter correctly?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Peterdk」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Omar 2010-01-23T17:35:12

Grab the action from the QueryString, the old school way:\n\n string Action = Request.QueryString[\"Action\"];\n\n\nThen you can run a case/if statements on it\n\npublic ActionResult Index(string Foo)\n{\n string Action = Request.QueryString[\"Action\"];\n if (Action == \"DoThis\")\n {\n return Content(\"Done\");\n }\n else\n {\n return Content(Action);\n }\n}\n\n\nIt's one extra line, but it's a very simple solution with little overhead.",

jessegavin 2010-01-23T17:19:52

Maybe write an HttpModule which renames the action querystring parameter. HttpModules run before MVC gets a hold of the request.\n\nHere's an quick and UGLY example. Ugly because I don't like the way I am replacing the parameter name, but you get the idea.\n\npublic class SeoModule : IHttpModule\n{\n public void Dispose()\n { }\n\n public void Init(HttpApplication context)\n {\n context.BeginRequest += OnBeginRequest;\n }\n\n private void OnBeginRequest(object source, EventArgs e)\n {\n var application = (HttpApplication)source;\n HttpContext context = application.Context;\n\n if (context.Request.Url.Query.ToLower().Contains(\"action=\")) {\n context.RewritePath(context.Request.Url.ToString().Replace(\"action=\", \"actionx=\"));\n }\n }\n}\n",

jessegavin 2010-01-23T17:36:32

I also saw this SO question. It might work for Action I don't know.",

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