Docker container: mount plugged devices on Windows
NickName:Alexey Orlov Ask DateTime:2022-01-07T22:04:00

Docker container: mount plugged devices on Windows

Running a container on Linux:

$ docker run -it --name damastes --rm --mount type=bind,source="$HOME"/,target=/enjoy --mount type=bind,source=/run/media,target=/run/media,bind-propagation=shared -w /enjoy damastes:latest


    image: damastes:latest
      - type: bind
        source: $HOME
        target: /enjoy
      - type: bind
        source: /run/media
        target: /run/media
          propagation: shared
    working_dir: /enjoy

Can't even start to guess how the second mount should look on Windows.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Alexey Orlov」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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