A phonegap-like for windows phone
NickName:Stéphane Piette Ask DateTime:2011-08-30T17:22:55

A phonegap-like for windows phone

I have a mobile web app (HTML & CSS). I use Phonegap to embed it for Android, iOS, BB, etc, but it doesn't work for windows mobile for the moment.

Is there a way doing that in windows phone, or do I have to wait for a new version of Phonegap ?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Stéphane Piette」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241102/a-phonegap-like-for-windows-phone

ColinE 2011-08-30T09:25:54

PhoneGap is not available for Windows Phone 7 at the moment, however, it will most likely appear soon. Much of the functionality that PhoneGap requires from the native APIs will only be available in the upcoming WP7 Mango release.\n\nSee Matt Lacey's partial implementation of PhoneGap for WP7 here:\n\nhttp://blog.mrlacey.co.uk/2010/08/wp7dev-phonegap-and-windows-phone-7.html\n\nThere is an alternative project here:\n\nhttp://htmlappwp7.codeplex.com/\n\nHowever, I would recommend the more 'standard' PhoneGap approach.\n\nUPDATE:\n\nPheneGap is now in beta for WP7, I have written a blog post which shows an example PhoneGap app for WP7.",

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