Yiic wants to create webapp in framework folder
NickName:polyhedron Ask DateTime:2012-01-02T12:54:56

Yiic wants to create webapp in framework folder

I'm on linux and my home directory is:


(I installed yii in a subdomain yii.domain.com)

my framework is in:


i want to create a project called demo, but it always tries to create it in the framework folder.


cd public_html/yii
yiiroot/framework/yiic webapp demo

when I run this command it asks me if I want to create a webapp in:


How do I reconfigure?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「polyhedron」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8697514/yiic-wants-to-create-webapp-in-framework-folder

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