Get all selected checkboxes in Java
NickName:Freek8 Ask DateTime:2012-01-20T01:00:01

Get all selected checkboxes in Java

I have a dialog in Java that presents ~ 15 checkboxes to the user. Is there a way to get the names of all the checked checkboxes at once? Currently, I'm looking one by one if they are selected, which isn't that fancy of a solution.

I'm looking for something similar to Getting all selected checkboxes in an array but then in Java

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DaveJohnston 2012-01-19T17:09:45

When you are adding your Checkboxes to your dialog also keep a reference in a Collection of some sort. Then when you want to see which are checked you can just Iterate over the collection and check the state of each of them. You can get the name by calling getText on it.",

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