Fastest way to count the number of occurrences of a string
NickName:ludo Ask DateTime:2012-05-12T18:25:48

Fastest way to count the number of occurrences of a string

I was wondering what is the fastest way to count the number of occurrences of a string (needle) within another string (haystack). The way I'm doing it is:

int findWord(char * file, char * word){
 char *fptr;
 char * current = strtok_r(file, " ,.\n", &fptr);
 int sum = 0;
 while (current != NULL){
    //printf("%s\n", current);
    if(strcmp(current, word) == 0)
    current = strtok_r(NULL, " ,.\n", &fptr);
 return sum;

Would it be faster to use a more complex algorithm (Boyer-Moore)? Thanks

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NPE 2012-05-12T10:36:31

\n Would it be faster to use a more complex algorithm (Boyer-Moore)?\n\n\nIn your algorithm, the unit of comparison is a word rather than a character. This enables the algorithm to ignore matches that straddle a word boundary, and thus makes it run in O(n) time.\n\nI doubt you'd be able to beat that asymptotically.\n\nAs far as lowering the multiplicative constant, right now your algorithm looks at every character in file twice. You can eliminate that redundancy by rewriting the code to use a pair of pointers and a single for loop (figuring out the details is left as an exercise for the reader :))",

Sergey Kalinichenko 2012-05-12T10:35:56

Currently, if your program is counting word \"blah\" and encounters a token is \"blahblah\", your algorithm counts it as zero occurrences. If it needed to count it as two, you cound benefit from a more advanced approach.\n\nIf your program does what you want, you are processing as fast as you can: it is already linear in the number of letters of the longer \"word\", so you cannot speed it up further.\n\nAn even more interesting solution would be required to count words with self-aliasing: for example, count \"aa\"s inside \"aaaa\" string. If you needed to return 3 for this situation, you'd need a lot more advanced algorithm.",

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