Python coding style
NickName:andrean Ask DateTime:2012-06-08T00:42:59

Python coding style

I've been reading various python coding style guides, some answers on SO, etc. but none of them mentions some maybe not that important questions, but I would like to know if there is a preferred way for doing this:

In case I have a dictionary, which style would be better to use:

dict_name = {'test': 'somevalue',
             'test2': 'other'}


dict_name = {
    'longer_key': 'somevalue',
    'longer_key2': 'other'


dict_name = {
             'test': 'somevalue',
             'test2': 'other'


dict_name = {
             'test': 'somevalue',
             'test2': 'other'

or something else?

Also for when calling methods:

function_name(longer_arg1, longer_arg2, longer_arg3, 


function_name(longer_arg1, longer_arg2, longer_arg3, 





or something else?

when a longer logging line is used, let's say:'this is an awfully long line which must be separated'
    'into two lines, am I doing it right? {0}'.format('nope..'))

or even consider this:'this is an {0} {1} line which must be separated'
    'into {2} lines, am I doing it right? {0}'.format(
    'awfully', 'short', 'three', 'nope..')

Now this last is somewhat related to the function calling style too, we have many arguments, a long string, how would be the best to separate these kind of lines?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「andrean」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Levon 2012-06-07T16:43:50

You can't go wrong with looking at the PEP 8 - The Style Guide for Python Code for guidance on how to write readable Python code. Highly recommended.",

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