SQL Server CE GROUP BY clause
NickName:user1375948 Ask DateTime:2012-08-24T19:37:24

SQL Server CE GROUP BY clause

I have to use GROUP BY statement to pull data from SQL Server CE.

Now I'm getting

In aggregate and grouping expressions, the SELECT clause can contain only aggregates and grouping expressions. [ Select clause = ,Date ]

but I really want to get date.

Query is as follows

FROM Installments 
HAVING Sr = max(Sr)

What am I doing wrong? Please explain

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「user1375948」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12108682/sql-server-ce-group-by-clause

Gonzalo.- 2012-08-24T11:41:57

When you use group by, you group by some field, and apply an aggregate function.\nSo, in the select, you shoud that field (the grouped result) and then the result of the function used.\n\nMaybe you want something like \n\nSELECT Id, Max(date) FROM Installments GROUP BY ID \n\n\nIt will depends on what you want.\n\nRead about Group by here",

Justin Harvey 2012-08-24T11:40:50

If you are grouping by ID, then each group could potentially have multiple different dates, so you can't select Date. You could, for example, \n\nselect Max(Date) FROM Installments GROUP BY ID \n",

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