ComboBox doubling in values c#
NickName:NoviceMe Ask DateTime:2012-09-07T02:37:07

ComboBox doubling in values c#

I have following piece of code:

private void nameTextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var names = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys
                        .Where(k => k.StartsWith("name"))

    // Add names to combobox

Problem is each time I press Tab from textbox, comboBox elements keep on doubling. If it had Ken, John, Tim in there, it will show that twice if I press tab again.

I tried using distinct in the names above but that does not do anything as new instantance is created each time and previous is saved. I cannot make comboBox empty right after adding names as it is being used in a button click latter on in the code.

Only alternative i thought was of declaring a global variable and make sure its value is 0 and then only insert values in comboBox, and change it to 1 once value is inserted. But that does not seem like a good coding practice.

Is there any better way to get this done?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「NoviceMe」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Mike Perrenoud 2012-09-06T18:39:19

Add comboBox.Items.Clear() before the AddRange. So the whole block should be.\n\nprivate void nameTextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) \n{ \n var names = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys \n .Where(k => k.StartsWith(\"name\")) \n .ToArray(); \n\n // Add names to combobox \n comboBox.Items.Clear();\n comboBox.Items.AddRange(names); \n} \n",

infografnet 2012-09-06T18:46:03

i'm not sure if I understand perfectly, but why can't you just clear the items before populating?\n\ncomboBox.Items.Clear()\ncomboBox.Items.AddRange(names);\n\n\nalso you could try not to use Items, but DataSource:\n\ncomboBox.DataSource = names;\n",

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