Django does assign but not store primary key value
NickName:tannerli Ask DateTime:2013-03-15T18:50:03

Django does assign but not store primary key value

I have a simple django model

class Directory(models.Model):

  id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
  path = models.TextField(unique=True)

  def __unicode__(self):
    return self.path

  class Meta:
    db_table = u'directories'

However, there seems to be some problem to save a Directory instance into the db

>>> from cygapp.models import Directory
>>> d = Directory()
>>> d.path = '/usr'
>>> d
<Directory: /usr>

while the ID field is assigned correctly (the next free value), it is not stored in the db

sqlite> select * from directories;

What am i missing here?

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