MySQL - Search Query between DATE_SUB() AND DATE_SUB() Error
NickName:odd_duck Ask DateTime:2013-03-27T07:41:57

MySQL - Search Query between DATE_SUB() AND DATE_SUB() Error

I am trying to do a search query (using pdo php and mysql) between a date range which is between (date-7days) and (date-1day) using DATE_SUB() on both so for example:

end_date is 2013-03-26
search between 2013-03-19 and 2013-03-25 ` 

The below query however is using the first date_sub(7 day interval) but ignoring the second (date_sub(1 day interval) so its searching between 2013-03-19 and 2013-03-26.

$sevd_query = " 
        DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%e/%c') AS s_d,
        DATE_FORMAT(end_date, '%e/%c') AS e_d
        bsi_bookings as bb 
        bsi_reservation as br ON bb.booking_id=br.bookings_id
        bc.c_id=:c_id AND
       :day BETWEEN DATE_SUB(bb.end_date, INTERVAL 7 DAY) AND DATE_SUB(bb.end_date, INTERVAL 1 DAY)

Can anyone please help? I've been trying to fix this for a week now with no luck

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