Convert MySQL query to Microsoft SQL Server
NickName:user1288792 Ask DateTime:2013-04-13T03:54:25

Convert MySQL query to Microsoft SQL Server

I need to convert this MySQL query to a SQL Server query where the syntax 'LIMIT ?, ?' is my main main problem because isn't compatible with SQL Server.

At the same time I don't know the meaning of the clause at the end SELECT FOUND_ROW().

I am beginner with databases so I would appreciate any assistance.



stmt.setInt(1, offset);
stmt.setInt(2, numRecords);


rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
if (
this.noOfRecords = rs.getInt(1);


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Ed Gibbs 2013-04-12T20:25:27

If the MySQL is:\n\nSELECT URL\n FROM SITE\n WHERE CITY='Berlin'\n LIMIT 30, 20\n\n\nThen it's returning rows 31 through 50. In SQL Server you can do something like this:\n\nWITH somerows AS (\n SELECT TOP 50 URL, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY URL) AS SeqValue\n FROM SITE\n WHERE CITY='Berlin'\n)\nSELECT * FROM somerows\nWHERE SeqValue BETWEEN 31 and 50\n\n\nNote that the 50 in the SQL Server query is the sum of the MySQL LIMIT values, and that the 30 in MySQL is zero-indexed so it becomes 31 in SQL Server, where the ROW_NUMBER counter is one-indexed. Many thanks to Kevin Suchlicki for pointing this out in the comments below.\n\nAlso note that, unlike your MySQL query, you have to order the rows with the SQL Server query.\n\nFinally, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is a MySQL keyword that enables the FOUND_ROWS() function. It's explained in the documentation. There's no SQL Server equivalent. You'll need to count the rows some other way to set this.noOfRecords in your code, but you should be able to work around that.",

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