Hadoop Streaming Job limited to 6 Maps and 6 Reduces
NickName:Alpha Ask DateTime:2013-07-20T02:47:48

Hadoop Streaming Job limited to 6 Maps and 6 Reduces

So I'm running a pretty basic (just a search for a simple expression) program via Hadoop streaming on my 3-node cluster. When I run the job, JobTracker informs me that only 6 maps and 6 reduces are running, with 2000 pending map and reduce jobs. Why is this happening? I have set the maximum number of mappers and reducers (60, 20 per node) in my conf/mapred-site.xml file. What do you suggest to solve this issue?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Alpha」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17753375/hadoop-streaming-job-limited-to-6-maps-and-6-reduces

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