Type erasure and bridge method
NickName:St.Antario Ask DateTime:2013-09-26T23:38:10

Type erasure and bridge method

Consider the following code:

List<Integer>ints= new ArrayList<Integer>();
lst.add(new Object());//no suitable method found for add(Object)...

Why this error is causing? On a compile time we have type erasure, and method boolean add (E e) after erasure will have signature add(Object o). Can you write in detail how ompiler work in this case?

And what about bridge method? As i understood bridge metod have the following implements:

boolean add(Object o){return this.add((Integer) o)}

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「St.Antario」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19032602/type-erasure-and-bridge-method

Oliver Charlesworth 2013-09-26T15:39:38

Type erasure occurs after the compiler has perform type-checking. If it were the other way around, there would be no point in generics!",

Sotirios Delimanolis 2013-09-26T15:39:46

You aren't evaluating\n\nlst.add(new Object()); \n\n\nat runtime, you are evaluating it at compile time. At compile time, there is no method List<Integer>#add(Object).",

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