How can I implement a Javascript/HTML Playground with Javascript?
NickName:Seb Ask DateTime:2011-12-12T04:51:42

How can I implement a Javascript/HTML Playground with Javascript?

I would like to implement a simple Javascript Playground like jsFiddle and was wondering on the best way to achieve this. From the way jsfiddle works, it creates an iframe with the submitted HTML/Javascript code. The source of the iframe comes from a dynamically created page from the jsfiddle server.

I was wondering if it would be possible to do this with client side javascript code only. I have tried this but does not work (custom code is not executed and do not know if jquery is loaded in the iframe):

$iframe = $(document.createElement("iframe"))

$html = $iframe.contents().find("html")

//HTML code

//Javascript code (first jquery and then custom code)
$script = $(document.createElement("script"))

$script = $(document.createElement("script"))


Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Seb」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

Derek 朕會功夫 2011-12-11T21:34:19

You don't have to be that complex.\nJust open a new window (or an iframe) and put your HTML inside it.\n\nDemo: (UPDATED)",

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