How to Darken an Irregularly Shaped Transparent CALayer on the iPhone?
NickName:Shannon A. Ask DateTime:2010-09-21T04:18:11

How to Darken an Irregularly Shaped Transparent CALayer on the iPhone?

I'm putting an image into a CALayer that could be irregularly transparent:

 theCardLayer.front = [CALayer layer];
 theCardLayer.front.contents = (id)[cardDrawing CGImage];

In other words, it might be a square filling the layer or it might be an octagon that leaves the corners see-through.

I want to sometimes darken this layer, but without darkening the see-through bits. Any suggestions for how to do so in a programmatic way?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Shannon A.」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Ben Stiglitz 2011-04-01T21:40:10

Take a look at CGBlendMode; a multiply blend, done by creating a new CGBitmapContext, drawing the image and then a grey fill, and assigning the resulting image to your layer, should work nicely.",

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