How to send a javascript array to the Servlet
NickName:lucifer Ask DateTime:2013-12-05T11:28:19

How to send a javascript array to the Servlet

I have an application where i am getting some values in the console in the form of a javascript i want to send the values to the servlet.My javascript array look like this ..


This values i am getting in the console.i have to send those values to the Servlet.But i can not do that.I am able to send multiple values to the Servlet,but dont know how to send array of javascript.The way i send multiple values to the Servlet is

        url: "AccountServlet",
        type: "post",

        dataType: "json",
        data: { subject1:java,subject2:perl..etc},
            //alert("error occured!!!");
            alert(data.fullName + "\n" + data.mobileNo);

and in the Servlet i catch them

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    String sub1=request.getParameter("subject1");
            String sub2=request.getParameter("subject2);

Like this but can anyone help me how to store array of javascript here. }

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