iOS Publishing to multiple ios version
NickName:Lücks Ask DateTime:2013-12-10T23:09:02

iOS Publishing to multiple ios version

I'm developing a iOS app for iOS 7, the UI reflects this iOS version. But, I want to publish to others iOS's, like 6 or 5 too. So, I'll change my UI and the target iOS version. I have to save other project, with this modifications? How I'll publish the same app for differents iOS versions? Thanks and sorry for the stupid question, I didn't find anything about it.

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Ike 2013-12-10T15:22:02

You should do this within a single app and it will run on whichever versions you've allowed. Start by setting your deployment target to the oldest version you want to support.\n\nBy using constraints or basing UI dimensions on known constants, you can accomplish most tasks that are OS version dependent. \n\nA big issue to handle is the differences in how the status bar and transparent bars in iOS 7 are displayed. If you're using Interface Builder, you can use the View inspector on the right-side bar in XCode to set iOS6/7 Deltas that are applied depending on the version being run. You can also preview the differences in IB by selecting the root view of your xib and opening Identity inspector. Under Interface Builder Document, change \"View as\" to the OS version you want to see.\n\nIf all else fails, you can test for the OS version in code to write custom code for a version.\n\nFor example:\n\nif (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1) {\n //ios 6 code \n\n} else {\n //ios 7 code\n\n}\n",

Popeye 2013-12-10T15:18:33

In your app set the Deployment Target to iOS 5.\n\nWhen it comes to UI have a read of this Apple Doc on iOS 7 transition guide.\n\nOnes you have read that and understand it then you can move onto actually creating your UI.\n\nWhen I have created my UI's based on iOS version I have a prepocessor macro set \n\n#define IOS_VERSION() [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];\n\n\nThis is set in my ***-Prefix.pxh file so I can access it throughout my app.\n\nThen I can check this with a simple if statement like so\n\nif(IOS_VERSION => 7.0) {\n // Do our iOS 7 stuff here\n} else {\n // Do everything else, you could add else if to check 6.0, 5.0 even 4.0\n}\n\n\nremember to wrapper some method calls in if statements as well. Like:\n\nif([object respondsToSelector:@selector(setTitle:forState)]) {\n // object being whatever object you are wanting to work on UIButton, UILabel, UIView. \n // The reason for this is some methods will be in iOS 7 or even 6 but not in iOS 5\n // so if you called them methods you will received unrecognised selector excpetion.\n}\n\n\nYou can also do somethings using interface build see the link I have provided for how to on interface builder.\n\nYour design will differ based on iOS version. If you run on iOS 7 it will have the new flat UI look whilst if you build on other iOS it will have the old look. When moving over to the new look there wasn't many differences that we had to fix in our apps but we did have to fix some things. I would recommend building for either iOS 5 and 6 first and then 7 or the other way get it right in one before moving on.",

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