Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?
NickName:Roee Adler Ask DateTime:2009-06-22T21:24:37

Multilingual Application in ASP.NET MVC - Best Practices?

I'm developing a web application using ASP.NET MVC (I'm new to the framework and actually quite new to web development in general). My application must support multiple languages - there's a bunch of countries for which I need the application to "speak" the local language.

The UI concept is common - have flag icons somewhere, usually the top, possibly with an additional drop-down to include less common languages. At this stage I don't want to get into automatically detecting the source country, but rather start with English and allow users to choose otherwise (and I would remember that setting of course).

I would like to know if there's any "framework" for supporting such multilingual views in ASP.NET MVC that will make the job easier.

Any recommendations?


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