Convert date stored variable into unix time BASH
NickName:user3253335 Ask DateTime:2014-01-31T18:22:10

Convert date stored variable into unix time BASH

I'm trying to convert a date stored in a variable into unix timestamp. I have the value, I must provide the format of this value("%m%d%Y") and then convert it ("%s"). Could you please give me a hint?

>date_2_unixtime=`date +"%m%d%Y" -d $initial_date +"%s"`
date: extra operand `+%s'
Try `date --help' for more information.

Thank you

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anubhava 2014-01-31T10:26:45

Your date is in mmddyyyy, it needs to be in yyymmdd for date to interpret. Also you don't provide input date format to date command. Format is for display purpose only.\n\nUse it this way:\n\ninitial_date=02012014\ndt=\"${initial_date:4}${initial_date:0:4}\"\ndate +\"%s\" -d \"$dt\"\n1391230800\n",

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