What makes an IoC container an IoC container?
NickName:Moon Ask DateTime:2014-03-22T09:27:02

What makes an IoC container an IoC container?

So..I've been digging into IoC container and service locator.

I thought an IoC container is an IoC container, not a service locator because

  1. The way you use it. You pass a service locator to a class that needs dependencies and then retrieve a dependencies via the container. On the other hand, you inject dependencies to your class using IoC container.

  2. IoC containers support auto-wiring, whereas service locators don't.

I always thought that IoC containers support auto-wiring and it has to support it to be called an IoC container, but I had a conversion with some people who told me that IoC container doesn't have to support auto-wring.

If that's true, what makes an IoC container an IoC container except the way you use it?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Moon」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22572261/what-makes-an-ioc-container-an-ioc-container

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