XMLHttpRequest does not work in a Chrome app
NickName:konraditurbe Ask DateTime:2014-04-01T04:29:03

XMLHttpRequest does not work in a Chrome app

I am new to XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript and all this stuff.
I made a gopro WiFi app to control gopro cameras with XMLHttpRequest, but it does not work with the packaged Chrome app, it works with the HTML file in Chrome.
Any ideas?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「konraditurbe」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22771555/xmlhttprequest-does-not-work-in-a-chrome-app

Xan 2014-04-04T08:57:05

Your problem is using inline scripting (e.g. <button onclick=\"command('bacpac','PW','%00')\">)\n\nThis is disallowed by Chrome's Content Security Policy for apps/extensions, and you cannot override this.\n\nYou'll have to purge your index.html of all inline code and add handlers (or indeed, buttons) from a script. Example in the Chrome docs.",

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