How to use AMD code completion with webstorm and requirejs?
NickName:jax Ask DateTime:2013-11-20T10:16:38

How to use AMD code completion with webstorm and requirejs?

I have something like this

define(function(require) {

    var Router = require('./router');
    var Backbone = require('backbone');
    var Log = require('log');


Apparently Webstorm is meant to support AMD modules but I can't get it to work, instead a get a massive list of properties from every .js file in the project.

Has anyone had any luck getting Webstorm code completion / refactoring with requirejs modules?

Update, I was able to get it working if I following the following construct

define(['backbone', './router', './log'], function(Backbone, Router, Log) {

however, all paths have to be relative. This is impractical for a path that is configured in require.config, so Backbone does not have code completion.

    baseUrl: 'js',

    paths: {
        'backbone' : '../bower_components/backbone/backbone-min',

Plus, the above syntax becomes ugly when there are many dependencies...

update 2 The above does not work if you change directory, for example, the Log below does not get code completion:

define(['backbone', './router', '../utils/log'], function(Backbone, Router, Log) {

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「jax」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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