Getting Started with Dapper and SQL Server database
NickName: Ask DateTime:2014-05-27T22:00:37

Getting Started with Dapper and SQL Server database

I am working on a personal project to display information on a webpage. I haven't done SQL connections in over a year and this is also my first time using dapper so I am having trouble getting started. I have a table (dbo.BallData) stored in a database using SQL Server Management Studio:

| ID    | COMPANY   | NAME          | WEIGHT (lbs) | CORE        | COVERSTOCK  | SURFACE      | LAYOUT  |
| 1     | Hammer    | True Blood    | 15           | First Blood | Polyester   | 4000 Polish  | NULL    |
| 2     | Columbia  | Eruption Pro  | 15           | Resurgence  | CR300       | 1500 Polish  | NULL    |

I would like to display the information as follows. Currently the information is just typed out in HTML:

Company: Hammer
Name: True Blood
Weight (lbs): 15
Core: First Blood
Coverstock: Polyester
Surface: 4000 Polish

I am working in C#, but cannot remember how to connect to a sql server database from visual studio. I am just hoping that someone can get started and then I can go from there. I have dapper included in my project. I have a file named BallData.cs where I am trying to connect to the database so that I can pull data out of it. Currently the file is just bare-boned because, like I said, I don't know where to begin.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace PracticeApp.App_Code.Entities
    public class BallData


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Whether it is pointing me to a tutorial or giving some examples to help me get going. Of course, I am not looking for the completed app. I am just looking for help on getting connected and applying dapper so that I can get in the information displayed. Thank you to anyone who is willing to assist me!

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