JS Error with Angular JS Module
NickName:Ninja Ask DateTime:2014-09-11T13:09:08

JS Error with Angular JS Module

I wrote a Module to keep track of all my helper functions (scripts/apps.js):

angular.module('app', ['ngResource']).run(function($scope){

$scope.UTIL = {

setup_pod_variables: function (pods){...}


I'm trying to call the helper function from my Controller defined in another directory: scripts/controller/Dashboard.js:


I have included the other module:

var pods = angular.module('app', []);

But it seems that I am still getting an error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'setup_pod_variables' of undefined
at new <anonymous> (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/controllers/Dashboard.js:16:12)
at d (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:30:346)
at Object.instantiate (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:30:475)
at file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:61:228
at file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:48:320
at q (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:7:380)
at W (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:48:186)
at f (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:42:268)
at f (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:42:285)
at f (file:///Users/simon_zhu/Documents/nautilus/app/scripts/angular.min.js:42:285) 

Any Ideas?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Ninja」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25779501/js-error-with-angular-js-module

Rickard Staaf 2014-09-11T05:23:13

Utility functions and data is better placed in a service, then it can be accessed from anywhere.\n\nYour problem is that $scope in the module is not the same as the $scope in your controller.\n\nThe service solution would look something like this (might contain some errors as it is written from my head and not tested)\n\nangular.module('app',[]).factory('utils', function(){\n return { setup_pod_variables: function(pods){...}}; \n}\n\nangular.module('app').controller('myController', ['utils', function(utils){\n utils.setup_pod_variables(...); \n}])\n",

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