Debugging production JavaScript
NickName:w0051977 Ask DateTime:2014-09-24T03:38:14

Debugging production JavaScript

Please see the code below:

function TestAjax
   //AJAX asynchronous call 1
   //AJAX asynchronous call 2
   //AJAX asynchronous call 3
   //AJAX asynchronous call n

There are n AJAX calls to the server (up to about 50). On the production server some of the AJAX calls are returning errors: "internal server error". My research tells me that it is a server side error. The website runs perfectly on my development PC and on the test server. The AJAX calls are generated using JQuery and the server side code is: ASP.NET (VB.NET).

What is the best way of debugging on the production server? Is it just a matter of attaching Visual Studio to the W3WP process?

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