Is JobTracker a single point of failure too (besides NameNode) in Hadoop?
NickName:user2938723 Ask DateTime:2014-05-02T14:11:12

Is JobTracker a single point of failure too (besides NameNode) in Hadoop?

I am new to Hadoop. In hadoop, I know that when a NameNode fails the entire Hadoop framework goes down. So it's a single point of failure in Hadoop. Is it same for JobTracker? Because if the JobTracker goes down, there would be no daemon to contact Namenode after a job submission and also no point for running the TaskTrackers. How is this handled exactly?

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Andrey Sozykin 2014-05-02T07:11:52

Yes, JobTracker is a single point of failure in MRv1. In case of JobTracker failure all running jobs are halted (\n\nIn YARN, Resource manager is not a single point of failure.\n\nIf you need MRv1, you can use MapR distribution, which provides the JobTracker high availability ( ",

SachinJose 2014-05-02T08:57:44

Jobtracker HA(High Availability using Active and Standby) can be configured in Cloudera Hadoop distribution. See the following link, this feature is available from CDH4.2.1 onwards:\n\n\n\nThe same can be configured in Hortwonworks distribution also \n\n\nIn MR2 master service is ResourceManager, which is not Single Point of Failure",

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