Page object gem with Bootstrap
NickName:charlietaylor Ask DateTime:2014-06-10T17:12:33

Page object gem with Bootstrap

I have been using the Ruby page object gem successfully for the last few months, however the new software I'm testing is using Bootstrap so it has become harder.

e.g I'm trying to select from a dropdown, which is normally simple, but with Bootstrap the original HTML isn't visible to the driver:

<select class="currency-selector" style="display: none;">
    <option value="GLOBAL">All</option>
    <option selected="" value="GBP">GBP</option>

So this isn't working.

select_list(:original_currency, :class => 'currency-selector')

What is visible to the driver is all the Bootstrap generated code which looks more like this:

<ul class="dropdown-menu inner selectpicker" role="menu" style="max-height: 164.5px; overflow-y: auto; min-height: 80px;">
    <li rel="0">
    <li class="selected" rel="1">
        <a class="" style="" tabindex="0">
            <span class="text">GBP</span>
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok icon-ok check-mark"></i>
    <li rel="2">
    <li rel="3">

Is there a nice way around this problem and still using the page object gem or will I be forced to use selenium more directly?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「charlietaylor」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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