Build targets for Linux static library
NickName:Hyunjik Bae Ask DateTime:2015-01-20T11:23:29

Build targets for Linux static library

I am developing a C++ library for x86 or x64 Linux server programmers. The library is not open sourced and the compiled output shall be static library(.a) files.

Which build targets should I consider for most server programmers? So far, I am considering these:

  • GCC and CLANG
  • x86, x86_64
  • debug (assert is turned on, no optimized code), release (assert is turned off) [1]

The total combination shall be 2*2*2 = 8.

Are these enough? Should I consider Ubuntu and CentOS?

[1] I have used assert() instead of run-time junction (code below) only for some performance-sensitive functions. In other cases, I use runtime junction. Runtime junction is more needed for production code, but it cause performance impact to very frequently called functions. For example, executing two junction instructions and accessing m_length takes longer time than accessing array data only.

#define runtime_assert(x); { if (g_enableAssert && !(x)) ShowError(#x); }

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define assert(x) runtime_assert(x)
#define assert(x) 0

bool g_enableAssert = true;

class Array
    int m_length;

    // doing runtime junction
    void Set(int index, int value)
        runtime_assert(index>=0 && index<m_length);

    // using assert
    void Set(int index, int value)
        assert(index>=0 && index<m_length);

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Hyunjik Bae」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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