Clickatell callback url to receive messages not working
NickName:pinaki Ask DateTime:2015-01-14T00:29:50

Clickatell callback url to receive messages not working

I have a clickatell account and i am trying to receive messages in php using it. I understand that I need to setup a callback url on it and i have added that. In the callback url, i have added the following code snippet


$req = print_r($_REQUEST, true);
$req = wordwrap($req, 70, "\r\n");

error_log($req, 3, "test.log");
mail("<my-email-address>", "sms test", $req);

When i call the url directly, it is working as it should and sending me the mail as well as logging to the error log file. However, when i receive a text message in clickatell, nothing happens (no mail/log).

Am i missing something here? Any pointers are appreciated. Let me know if you need any additional details which would help to resolve/understand the problem.


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whatever_sa 2015-01-14T07:12:43

There are two things needed:\n\na) When you send your SMS message, you must ask for callbacks. How that is done depends on what API you are using. With the HTTP API, you would add &callback=3 as an example...\n\nb) On your API connection (when you login to the Clickatell website), you need to specify your callback URL. ",

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