Android ListView fastScrollThumbDrawable not working
NickName:user1217891 Ask DateTime:2012-02-19T18:04:56

Android ListView fastScrollThumbDrawable not working

i am doing an app where i want the fastscroll tab on my listview to be a custom thumb tab. reading the docs online i thought this would do it:


The list view is fine, the custom scrollbar colours are working and the fastscrollbar tab displays, but it is using the default thumb image and not the png file scrollbar_thumb.

does the thumb image need to be in a certain format or size ? can it be changed to a custom graphic, if not can the colour of the thumb be changed at least ?

any help will be much appreciated

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JeffG 2013-07-04T11:31:45

In the ListView XML definition, add\n\nandroid:fastScrollEnabled=\"true\"\n\n\nor in code \n\nlistView.setFastScrollEnabled(true);\n\n\nCreate file fastscroll_thumb.xml in the res/drawable folder as follows:\n\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<selector xmlns:android=\"\">\n <item android:state_pressed=\"true\" android:drawable=\"@drawable/fastscroll_pressed\" />\n <item android:drawable=\"@drawable/fastscroll\" />\n</selector>\n\n\nIn AndroidManifest.xml, set a custom theme for your application:\n\n<application\n android:theme=\"@style/ApplicationTheme\"\n ...>\n\n\nCreate a values folder in the res folder. Create themes.xml files in res/values as follows:\n\n<resources>\n <style name=\"ApplicationTheme\">\n <item name=\"android:fastScrollThumbDrawable\">@drawable/fastscroll_thumb</item>\n </style>\n</resources>\n\n\nLastly make sure that fastscroll.png and fastscroll_pressed.png exist in your drawable folder",

TalkLittle 2012-04-22T06:59:38

Note that the android:fastScrollThumbDrawable attribute only applies for Android API Level 11 and later.\n\n",

ademar111190 2013-08-21T07:58:08

I'm using the android:fastScrollThumbDrawable but I not know why it isn't working, so searching on web i found here a hard code solution, I not know if it works on old API but in my case was solved the problem. Note I'm using API 18 like target and a device with API 17 to test.\n\nthe code:\n\ntry {\n Field f = AbsListView.class.getDeclaredField(\"mFastScroller\");\n f.setAccessible(true);\n Object o = f.get(<<your listView here>>);\n f = f.getType().getDeclaredField(\"mThumbDrawable\");\n f.setAccessible(true);\n Drawable drawable = (Drawable) f.get(o);\n drawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.<<your thumb drawable here can be a selector>>);\n f.set(o, drawable);\n} catch (Exception e) {\n e.printStackTrace();\n}\n",

JustinMorris 2014-03-05T22:24:49

In order to change the fastScrollThumbDrawable, the fastScrollTrackDrawable, or the text color of the fastscroll SectionIndexer you have to use a Context Theme. The other answers recommend overriding the application's theme via the AndroidManifest to do this. That does work but if you want different scrollbar appearances per ListView you can't do that. Also, the way you change the text color on SectionIndexer shouldn't be done in your app theme because it may have other undesired effects. \n\nThe best way to style a ListView for fastscrolling is to create a custom ListView that uses a ContextThemeWrapper. \n\nHere is an example:\n\npublic class FastscrollThemedListView extends ListView {\n public FastscrollThemedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {\n super(new ContextThemeWrapper(context,, attrs);\n }\n}\n\n\nThat is all you need. Your style will look like this:\n\n<style name=\"FastScrollTheme\">\n <item name=\"android:textColorPrimary\">?android:textColorPrimaryInverse</item>\n <item name=\"android:fastScrollThumbDrawable\">@drawable/fast_scrollbar_thumb</item>\n <item name=\"android:fastScrollTrackDrawable\">@drawable/fast_scrollbar_track</item>\n</style>\n\n\ntextColorPrimary is how you hook is how you hook into the SectionIndexer font color if you use it.\n\nYour ListView would look like this:\n\n<com.yourapp.view.FastscrollThemedListView\n android:id=\"@android:id/list\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"fill_parent\"\n android:drawSelectorOnTop=\"false\"\n android:cacheColorHint=\"@color/myWhite\"\n android:scrollbars=\"vertical\"\n android:scrollbarSize=\"12dip\"\n android:fastScrollEnabled=\"true\"/>\n",

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