Is the installation of Pig,Hive,Hbase,Oozie,Zookeeper same in Hadoop 2.0 as in Hadoop 1.0?
NickName:Gautham Honnavara Ask DateTime:2015-02-13T01:05:55

Is the installation of Pig,Hive,Hbase,Oozie,Zookeeper same in Hadoop 2.0 as in Hadoop 1.0?

I recently installed hadoop v_2 with the YARN Configuration. I am planning to install Hadoop ecosystem stack such as Pig,Hive,Hbase,Oozie,Zookeeper etc. I would like to know if I should install the tools from the same link that I did for Hadoop 1.0 Configuration. If not, Could anyone please send me the link for the Hadoop 2 Configuration for these tools ?. I heard that Pig and Hive are more faster in Hadoop 2.0. Therefore would like to know if there are better versions.

Thanks, Gautham

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