Does Mesosphere Marathon run native Linux applications?
NickName:user1340582 Ask DateTime:2015-02-27T18:21:57

Does Mesosphere Marathon run native Linux applications?

Marathon is keen on advertising that Marathon runs Docker, but there is nowhere implicitly defined what exactly Marathon can run. Does Marathon run native Linux applications? Can I run JBoss on Marathon and it will automatically offer HA and optimized resource (Task) allocation?

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js84 2015-02-27T11:34:29

From the marathon github page:\n\n\n It can launch anything that can be launched in a standard shell \n\n\nFor the second part (i.e. JBoss HA) it depends on your definition of JBoss. Marathon will ensure that are n instances of Jboss are running and if one fails start a new instance.\nDoes this answer your question?",

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