Using the Marathon REST API to update a configuration
NickName:donniemac Ask DateTime:2017-04-20T19:02:02

Using the Marathon REST API to update a configuration

Using cURL I want to modify the number of instances a group has by passing a json file to update the config. The way my groups are set up looks something like this:

'marathon > applications > topApp'
'marathon > applications > topApp > group1'
'marathon > applications > topApp > group2'
'marathon > applications > topApp > group3 , etc'

I only want to update group2 and cannot figure out how to specify it. I'm thinking of using 'PUT /v2/groups/{groupId}' which I got from the marathon rest api doc here

Has anyone done this and can help? Is there a better way? This is my first time doing this. Thanks!

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