401 error in twitter streaming api hosted in Amazon EC2
NickName:Thiago Ask DateTime:2014-08-09T20:44:35

401 error in twitter streaming api hosted in Amazon EC2

I have an set up a server in Amazon EC2 and I'm with an application to collect tweets using the twitter streaming api. My current code is programmed in Python using the Tweepy library.

The code executes completely fine in my ubuntu 14.04, however I get a Error 401: Unauthorized when I execute it in the server, which has ubuntu 12.04. Tweepy is installed correctly and my Twitter API Keys are the same and being used in the same way.

What can it be wrong?


Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Thiago」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25218699/401-error-in-twitter-streaming-api-hosted-in-amazon-ec2

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