Generate next three month anniversary date
NickName:Simon Ask DateTime:2015-03-30T19:44:22

Generate next three month anniversary date

I have a table that contains details on charitable donations and the date they were added to the database.

I am trying to write a query that will display the next date after today that will be a three month anniversary of the record being added to the database.

Given a date in the past, I want my query to return the next date in the future that is a multiple of 3 months from the original date i.e. the three month anniversary.

See below for some examples of expected output given todays date.

Date         | Expected output
1st Feb 2015 | 1st May 2015, 
1st Sep 2014 | 1st Jun 2015

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Simon」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Daniel E. 2015-03-30T12:15:59

Create a function that returns your looped date, then call it from your table values. There is probably a fancier/faster way to do it, but this would get you what you need.\n\nCREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_Get3MonthAnniv] (@DateVal DATETIME)\nRETURNS DATETIME\nAS\nBEGIN\n DECLARE @LoopDate DATETIME = @DateVal\n DECLARE @Today as datetime = CONVERT(Date,GETDATE())\n\n While @loopDate<@today\n BEGIN\n SET @loopDate=DATEADD(Month,3,@loopDate)\n END\n\n\n RETURN @loopDate\n\nEND\nGO\n\n CREATE TABLE #dates (DateVal DATETIME)\n\nINSERT #dates (DateVal)\nVALUES ('1/1/2014')\n ,('1/1/2015')\n\nSELECT DateVal\n ,[dbo].[fn_Get3MonthAnniv](DateVal)\nFROM #dates\n\nDROP TABLE #dates\n",

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