Understanding the Eclipse CDT projects
NickName:Oodini Ask DateTime:2010-02-12T20:55:35

Understanding the Eclipse CDT projects

I want to commit my CDT project to SVN. I am a newbie regarding CDT, and I'd like to know the files describing the project.

The concerned files seem to be :

.project .settings (directory) .cproject .csettings (directory)

What are the purposes of .project and .settings ?

.project just include references to XML files stored in the .csettings directory. Some of my co-workers on other projects don't have this .csettings directory : everything is in the .cproject file. Are there some project properties which could make Eclipse delegates all the CDT settings in XLM files in the .csettings directory ?

And what about .csettings ?

Extra question : what is the .directory ?

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Oodini」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2251879/understanding-the-eclipse-cdt-projects

sathish 2012-08-30T16:42:33

.CPROJECT: This will contain all the settings provided for the particular selected Toolchain. For example, if the project needs to be created with gcc, then this .cproject file will contain all the compiler, linker options used by gcc. \n\nAlso if any boot-able files located within the project needs to be excluded that too will be specified here. In general it acts as a make to your project.\n\n.PROJECT: Eclipse uses inbuild make file for linking the object files. This .project file will contain all the builder information (managebuilder).\n\n.SETTINGS: This will contain the debugging information's for the selected toolchain. Like how the \"COMPILER\\ASSEMBLER\\LINKER\" includes are separated, eg., by means of \";\" like that.",

crazyscot 2010-02-24T12:32:09

.project is where Eclipse starts whenever it opens up the project: it tells the workbench what plugins are needed.\n\n.cproject contains the settings specific to the CDT: your project's choice of build configurations, toolchains, individual tools and so on.\n\n.settings can be used by individual plug-ins to store their own project-level preferences.\n\nI've never come across .csettings...",

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