bash: how get xsel -o to paste to focused window if command invoked by hotkey in fluxbox
NickName:user985675 Ask DateTime:2015-05-09T02:25:11

bash: how get xsel -o to paste to focused window if command invoked by hotkey in fluxbox

The trackpad on my laptop will not middle-mouse paste. I figured it should be easy to simulate, just focus the target app and invoke 'xsel -o' with a hotkey from fluxbox. But it won't work, that is, xsel -o operates, but its output does not go to the focussed app.

Man xsel states that the -o option sends the current selection to standard output, which I assumed would be the app with focus. Could someone explain why it does not do so in this situation, and how to achieve the desired result?

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Etan Reisner 2015-05-08T18:30:24

That's not what \"standard output\" means.\n\nStandard output is where commands like echo and printf send their output by default. It is the screen in a terminal. Run xsel -o in your terminal and you will see the output displayed.\n\nYou need a tool that actually simulates the middle click or simulates an X11 paste.\n\nI believe you can use xdotool to do this sort of thing (among other tools).",

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