How to check a value in a list value range in python
NickName:sreeks devan Ask DateTime:2015-05-28T21:39:27

How to check a value in a list value range in python

I have a value to check in the list range


    recipies = int(input("enter:"))
interval =[]
for i in range(recipies):
    x = (input().split())
agroup =int(input("enter:"))
qali = []
for i in range(agroup):
    x = (input().split())
for cmp in qali:
    toa = cmp[1:]

1 4
3 10
2 6
5 8
1 5
2 2 6
3 1 10 9


Here i want to check weather the value of toa available in the interval if available i want to print how many times that value available in the given intervals,same way i want to check values in quali(list)

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Mazdak 2015-05-28T13:46:58

You can use following list comprehensions :\n\n>>> f_list=[map(int,i.split(',')) for i in li]\n>>> ['yes' if toa in range(i,j) else 'No' for i,j in f_list]\n['yes', 'yes']\n\n\nFist you need to extract your ranges that it can be done with splitting your strings with , and convert to int with map function. \n\nThen you can use a list comprehension like following to check the member-ship :\n\n['yes' if toa in range(i,j) else 'No' for i,j in f_list]\n\n\nBut not that range will contains the start but not end if you dont want such things you need to increase your start when you want to create the range :\n\n>>> ['yes' if toa in range(i+1,j) else 'No' for i,j in f_list]\n['yes', 'No']\n",

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