How to cache a Memcached connection using the java spymemcached client
NickName:qualebs Ask DateTime:2013-08-12T14:40:39

How to cache a Memcached connection using the java spymemcached client

I am learning how to cache objects using memcached with the spymemcached client from spymemcached examples

MemcachedClient c=new MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress("hostname", portNum));    
// Store a value (async) for one hour
c.set("someKey", 3600, someObject);
// Retrieve a value (synchronously).
Object myObject=c.get("someKey");

I have noted that each time I want to cache or retrieve an object I create a new memcached client which am assuming is a new connection and that memcached has no connection pooling mechanism therefore users are advised to cache the connections to decrease overhead for reconnecting from this question opening closing and reusing connections.

My question is how do I cache this connection? Can someone please give me an example I can start from. If you are wondering what I have tried, I tried to put my connection in the memcached but then I realized that I have to create a connection to get it. :)

Thanks in advance.

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「qualebs」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:

raffian 2013-08-12T18:54:18

\n I have noted that each time I want to cache or retrieve an object I\n create a new memcached client which am assuming is a new connection\n\n\nDon't do this; spymemcache uses a single connection for ALL I/O to and from memcache; it's all done asychronously; from spymemcache docs...\n\n\n Each MemcachedClient instance establishes and maintains a single\n connection to each server in your cluster.\n\n\nJust do the following once in your app; make sure the client is available to other services in your app so they can access it.\n\nMemcachedClient memClient = new MemcachedClient(new InetSocketAddress(host, port)); \n\n\nUse memClient for I/O with memcache; no need to create a new instance of MemcachedClient each time; done. The link you provided answers all of your questions.\n\nWhat is your deployment? web-app or standalone?",

mikewied 2013-08-12T18:40:23

This just means that you should use reuse the connections that you open as opposed to opening a connection for each request. It doesn't make sense to store a connection instance in memcached.\n\nCacheing the connection in the case means caching it in your application (keeping it in memory and open), not actually storing the connection in memcached.",

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