Combine 2 SQL Query results
NickName:hello temp11 Ask DateTime:2015-07-04T03:21:45

Combine 2 SQL Query results

I want to combine my 2 sql results and 1 more filter which is Date. How Can I combine my these 2 sql queries.

First sql

 SELECT e.Name,COUNT(l.userName) as UsersVisit
  FROM Table1 l
  INNER JOIN Table2 e on e.UserName =l.UserName
  ( l.DateAccessed>'3-31-2015' and l.DateAccessed <'4-30-2015')
  Group by e.Name

O/P I get

Name  UsersVisit
abc    10
xyz    20
def    30

Second Sql

SELECT COUNT(1) as TotalVisits
  FROM Table1 l
  INNER JOIN Table2 e on e.UserName =l.UserName
  ( l.DateAccessed>'3-31-2015' and l.DateAccessed <'4-30-2015')
  ORDER BY TotalVisits DESC

O/P I get


Now, the O/P I want is

UniqueUsers  TotalVisits  Month
3               60        March
4               50        April

3 is the unique number of users(abc,xyz,def), while TotalVisits is the count of all the UsersVisit

How can I get these result ?

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