Create column based on specific values in other columns
NickName:Troels Ask DateTime:2022-04-29T01:06:50

Create column based on specific values in other columns

I am trying to create a new column based on specific values in several (four) other columns.


col1 <- c("a", "", "a")
col2 <- c("", "b", "b")
df <- data.frame(col1, col2)

I have tried with case_when, but cannot get it to apply to all values.

df$col3 <- with(df, case_when(col1 %in% c("a") & col2 %in% c("b") ~ "c" ))

What I want to achieve:
| col1|   col2   |  col3   |
|:--: | :-------:|:-------:|
|   a |          |    a    |
|     |     b    |    b    |
|   a |     b    |    c    |

So if col1 is a, col2 is na then col 3 is a. If col1 is na, col2 b then col3 should be b and finally if col1 is a, col2 b then col3 should be c

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Troels」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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TarJae 2022-04-28T17:36:55

Here is how we could do it with case_when, first just replace blank cells with NA\nlibrary(dplyr) \n\ndf %>% \n mutate(across(starts_with("col"), na_if,""),\n col3 = case_when(\n col1=="a" & ~ "a",\n & col2 == "b" ~ "b",\n col1 == "a" & col2 == "b" ~ "c",\n TRUE ~ NA_character_))\n\n col1 col2 col3\n1 a <NA> a\n2 <NA> b b\n3 a b c\n",

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