angular custom filter issue
NickName:user3127896 Ask DateTime:2015-08-04T21:27:28

angular custom filter issue

I am trying to implement custom filter in angular js. The idea is that user can add some tags and each time filter is invokes.

Filter is a plain javascript object, basically it looks like this:

var filter = {color:'blue', length: 15};

Items are array of objects.

app.filter('filterByTags', function () {
    return function (items, filter) {
        if (!isEmpty(filter)) {
            var filtered = items;
            for (var prop in filter) {
                if (filter.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length; i++) {
                        if (filtered[i][prop] !== filter[prop]) {
                            filtered.splice(filtered.indexOf(filtered[i]), 1);
            alert('Return filtered items');
            return filtered;
        } else {
            alert('Original items ');
            return items;

So if works fine when i add tag but when i remove this tag i should get initial items list, but i get already filtered list.

So for instance originally i have a list of 5 items and when i click some tag I should get 4 items. But when I remove this tag i should get 5 items again, but i still get 4 items.

I think it is because in this line of code:

return function (items, filter) {

when filter invokes second time, items are already filtered and returned list before. Any ideas how can i fix it?

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