Gradle latest release version of dependency within range
NickName:Nathaniel Shak Ask DateTime:2015-08-25T03:08:15

Gradle latest release version of dependency within range

I'm relatively new to Gradle and have been trying to figure out how to set certain dependencies in my build.gradle file to download the latest release version restricted to a certain major version.

I understand that latest.release is able to retrieve the latest release version, but haven't seen any way that this can be restricted to a particular major version. I also understand that using 15.+ or [15.0, 16.0) would allow you to find the latest version with a major version of 15, release or SNAPSHOT, for a particular dependency. However, I want to be able to download the latest release version of a particular dependency within a specified range, ignoring any SNAPSHOT versions.

Would anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?


Clarifications: Apparently this is not too difficult in the case in which snapshots and releases are in different repositories. However, in this case, I believe the snapshots and releases are in the same repository. I am also using gradle 1.8

Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Nathaniel Shak」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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