Meteor Accounts with MySQL
NickName:Jamie Bradley Ask DateTime:2015-05-13T22:28:27

Meteor Accounts with MySQL

I'm fairly new to Meteor and currently have an application using MongoDB as the database. But there may be a possibility that I have to switch to MySQL due to server requirements.

Has anyone tried to use MySQL as their database of choice with a MeteorJS Application? I understand their are packages available to make this possible such as meteor-mysql and numtel:mysql, but I'm just looking for some feedback with tools like these. I'm also interested to find out how this work with regards to Accounts/Meteor.users etc as I understand these work with a Mongo User Collection?

Any feedback or suggestions would be much appreciated.


Copyright Notice:Content Author:「Jamie Bradley」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
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Adnan Y 2015-05-13T20:27:21

It's entirely possible to use databases other than mongo with Meteor. \n\nHowever, your question sounds more like that you are asking whether Mongo can be entirely disposed with mysql. Maybe, but in my experience, don't count on having majority of packages working out of the box. That includes builtin Accounts package. That means a lot of plumbing and debugging which might defeat the purpose of using Meteor. ",

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