MongoDB Unable to determine the serialization information
NickName:user3664916 Ask DateTime:2014-10-06T20:24:42

MongoDB Unable to determine the serialization information

I'm having a problem with Mongodb querying. Here's the classes:

    class A

    class B : A

    class C : A
        public string prop1 { get; set; }
    class D
        public List<A> collection1 { get; set; }

And the query:

   var query1 = Query<D>.ElemMatch(d => d.collection1.OfType<C>(), 
             builder => builder.EQ(c => c.prop1, "val1"));

In a nutshell I want to select all instances of class D whose collection "collection1" contains at least one instance of class C whose property "prop1" equals "val1".

This keeps throwing "Unable to determine the serialization information for the expression" out of the blue.

What am I doing wrong? I've tried decorating "A" with BsonKnownTypes(typeof(B), typeof(C)) to no avail.

PS: if I had only one class A:

    class A
        public string prop1 { get; set; }
    class D
        public List<A> collection1 { get; set; }

then this code works and does exactly what I want:

   var query1 = Query<D>.ElemMatch(d => d.collection1, 
             builder => builder.EQ(c => c.prop1, "val1"));

but it's not what I want, I want to keep "B" and "C" that inherit from "A".

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